In Need of Some Grace?

Find it alongside gratitude

As Consecration Sunday continued our abundant celebration of Stewardship, our service was much needed mixture of grace and gratitude. Often, in our daily lives, we don't realize how important gratitude is to our spiritual well-being and growth. Just pointing out one thing daily that you are grateful for can help strengthen your resilience and calm.

Pastor John applied this gratitude to the story of the sinful woman who anointed Jesus feet at the house of Simon the Pharisee. This story strikes a chord in many people. We all want to believe that there is a merciful God whose nature is Love. We all want to believe that our sins can be forgiven, and Jesus can give us that assurance. He will give us that assurance if we will open ourselves to him. The only appropriate response to such grace is gratitude. Our Lord recognized the depth of the woman’s gratitude in the way she behaved. 

If he looked on our behavior would he see a thankful sinner or an arrogant Pharisee?

Enhancing the service, as we reflected on grace and gratitude, was Mary's music selection backed by some very special music. The Bell Choirgave us a beautiful rendition of Great is Thy Faithfulness, and the new Youth Choir gave us a rousing version of Let Us Go! by Michael Jothen. Also, keeping in theme as always, Mary played Alabaster Box by Cece Winans for the prelude to gear the congregation up for the scripture about the woman who anointed Jesus with oil from an alabaster box.

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