Hungry for Fish?

You’ve gotta catch ‘em first!

Jesus says to you and me, "Follow me. You are essential personnel. Come as you are. Bring whatever gifts and talents you have and use them in my name. Bring your excitement and enthusiasm and I will channel them in the right direction. Bring your commitment and I will show you a place where you can make a difference. Bring your love and hope and watch them change lives."

Jesus' disciples were not a panel of experts. Jesus took people whom the world had labeled in many ways non-essential -- fishermen, tax collectors, notorious sinners, women who were never considered essential before -- and used them and their gifts in doing the work of love and issuing the call to others to follow in the way of Jesus. People who before never felt wanted found a place. People who doubted the world even knew they existed were suddenly important. 

True to the service’s theme, Vica told a story about fishing.

Vica went fishing and happened to catch a 6 inch catfish which she insisted on having taxidermied. Having caught this fish, she can now claim that she is a fisherman even though she do not like fishing nor has she gone since that fateful day as a child.

However, she is a fisher of people after the example of the disciples that Jesus called. You don't have to be a pastor or a missionary to share God's love and to live a life pointing to God's goodness. She implored upon the children that no matter what they choose to do in life, they can do it for God. 

Mary kept us on beat.

This past Sunday we had the lovely sounds of Kim Trolier on flute, playing beautiful hymn arrangements during the prelude & offertory. There was also an additional congregationally sung prayer, a hymn with words written expressly for hurricane victims, to support the special collection for the survivors of the hurricane & earthquakes in Puerto Rico.

Next week, to kick off our celebration of Black History Month, we have a special soloist, Donnie Hammond. Donnie is a familiar face to Philly theater-goers. She'll be joining us at both services - don't miss it!